privacy and security
Last updated October 14, 2014

gotoresearch demonstrates a commitment to protect the privacy of all individuals who access our website. gotoresearch adheres to and is in compliance with the Safe Harbor Principles, ensuring the security of the personal information of our site visitors.
gotoresearch collects personally-identifiable information when visitors fill out our form to subscribe to our email list, the form to join our panel, when they fill out one of our surveys to participate in a study, or when they apply to jobs through our website. From these forms, we collect the following information, as provided by the visitor:
Visitor’s name and unique identifiers
Visitor’s contact information
Visitor’s personal information
Any project-related information sent by a potential client
In addition, gotoresearch may collect some information that visitors do not enter themselves, such as their click stream, IP address, or browsing pattern. gotoresearch upholds industry best practices concerning personal security to prevent the misuse of information collected from our website.
gotoresearch uses personally-identifiable information (names, email addresses, etc) only for the purposes for which visitors supplied them, i.e. to get in contact with people who have applied to jobs through our website, to subscribe people to our mailing list, to enter people into our participant database or to consider people as participants for a particular study.
gotoresearch uses click streams, IP addresses and browsing patterns from visitors to gather anonymous statistics that enable us to understand how visitors interact with our site in order to make improvements. We also use this information to track the total number of users of our website.
Information collected through our website is accessible only by certain individuals who are bound by a confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement with gotoresearch. gotoresearch collects information for our internal purposes only will not sell or share visitors’ personally-identifiable information with anyone outside of the company.
Adherence to US-EU Safe Harbor Framework
gotoresearch complies with the US-EU Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries. gotoresearch has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view our certification page, please visit
gotoresearch may update this privacy policy from time to time and such amendments will become effective immediately.
A division of gotomedia LLC
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